Advocate of technology & e-learning
Skilled in what makes a great learner experience with an understanding of collaborative learning spaces and e-learning methodologies.
Virtual Learning Environments
Years of experience with different VLE installations and configurations.
Skilled in ways to get the most from course design that will supercharge your delivery of content
Think strategy to get a better implementation of your learning platform
Don't be blinded by technology, but let technology enhance learning.
Create blended learning experiences which are ‘personalised’ and ‘learner led’ and the world becomes a much more interesting place for students. Even as a facilitator, don’t be afraid to do just that, facilitate learning.
The PANDA framework, SAMR framework, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Hattie’s Visible Learning are all educational models that can be used to create effective and engaging learning experiences. So how doe’s each of these work and ultimately fit together to create engaging and worthwhile learning experiences online? The PANDA framework is focused on helping instructors create effective… Read More »Creating engaging and effective learning experiences.
Using a tool like for summative assessments in higher education carries several potential dangers. First, there is the issue of cheating. With a tool like this, students can easily copy and paste answers from the internet or from other sources, allowing them to submit work that is not their own. This undermines the entire… Read More »The dangers of using ai for summative assessments in Higher Education
If you didn’t know, Canvas’ date fields are stored in, and I quote (from the rest api guidance!), “All timestamps are sent and returned in ISO 8601 format. All timestamps default to UTC time zone unless specified.” This info can all be found here: SIS Import Format Documentation If you don’t know what a UTC… Read More »Python: Adjusting for DST from the Canvas API
When is it best to drive Canvas courses via Modules or Pages can differ depending on needs, but driving via pages is usually down to the skill set and understanding of Canvas features that a Teacher will use pages. Using Pages without Modules When you use only pages you loose out on so much within… Read More »Driving Canvas: Modules vs Pages
Next we shift our focus towards the first two elements of PANDA, PREPARE & ACTIVATE. If you missed the first part in this 6 part series then click the following link to read to article PART 1: The Power of PANDA! I’ve grown to love how using PANDA speeds up the process of developing VLE content in a structured way. Do this… Read More »Preparing & Activating