The PANDA framework, SAMR framework, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and Hattie’s Visible Learning are all educational models that can be used to create effective and engaging learning experiences. So how doe’s each of these work and ultimately fit together to create engaging and worthwhile learning experiences online?
The PANDA framework is focused on helping instructors create effective online courses by following a set of best practices. It consists of five steps: Prepare, Activate, Navigate, Demonstrate, Articulate. This was developed by instructure, the company behind the excellent Canvas Virtual Learning Environment. When you break it down, it essential caters for the models below.
The SAMR framework is a model for evaluating the use of technology in education. It stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition, and is used to assess how technology is being used in the classroom. When put together with Bloom’s Taxonomy, it can help to identify the most appropriate tools to use for the desired learning objective.
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a framework for classifying learning objectives according to their level of difficulty. It consists of six levels: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyse, Evaluate, and Create.
Hattie’s Visible Learning is a research-based model that identifies the most effective teaching and learning strategies. It suggests that the most effective learning occurs when students are actively engaged in their own learning and when feedback is provided in a timely and specific manner.

The magic happens when you integrate these frameworks tgoether. Instructors can use the PANDA framework to create an effective online course and then use the SAMR framework to evaluate the use of technology in the course. They can also use Bloom’s Taxonomy to create learning objectives that are appropriately challenging for their students, and use Hattie’s Visible Learning to select teaching and learning strategies that are most likely to be effective. By combining these frameworks, instructors can create a effective learning experiences that are also engaging.
I see often vles used as a repository where students gather the lesson notes and slides then bounce back off the platform. No engagement or participation is present, so in effect there’s little to no enrichment of the resources is in place. That’s pretty sad really when you think of the tools at their disposal. I’m always throwing in little nuggets that fire up the thoughts of instructures to do more, and on the whole they respond pretty well. I Think sometimes there’s a willingness to learn what a platform can do, but lack the understanding to tie models and strategies together with tools of the vle to create effective learning experiences.